Sunday, June 19, 2016

You can't have it both ways...

First off, this should NOT be considered an article in support of either Donald Trump or the GOP.  Instead, it is about the "system" and how things seem to be just a little one sided.  We selectively pursue or ignore laws when they do or do not support our political views.

This cites an article from about Apple refusing to support the GOP convention in any way, shape, or form.

A similar article on the matter is at the "Bipartisan Report".

Let's think about this for a minute. Apple doesn't like Donald Trump or the GOP for supporting(?) him for the presidency.  OK - that can be their opinion.  They have that right.  However, if Donald Trump or the GOP comes to them with a contract for technological support - a contractual, business arrangement - then Apple should be obligated to provide that service.  That is the LAW of the land.  If Apple is to be applauded for such a stance instead of taken to court, then shame on them - and shame on us for allowing it to happen.

IF - and this is a big IF - they are allowed to skate on this point, then the Christian business owner who is forced to or provide insurance coverage for contraceptives, or bake a cake, or provide flowers, or photograph, or sing at a ceremony for a same-sex couple, when they clearly do not agree with that type of union should similarly be applauded for their choice and stance on the matter.

Sadly, that's not the case.  Apple is being held up on a pedestal for refusing to provide a service that they are in the business of providing.  (That's being "politically correct" in the current environment.) In the other cases, the lawyers and civil libertarians and GLBT community take businesses to court to force them to provide services.  (Here, refusing is NOT "politically correct" in the current environment.)

Get off the back of Chick Filet and Hobby Lobby and similar businesses that have taken stands because of their beliefs until you see the two-faced stance you are taking.

Oh, I was wrong - If you define the playing field, and the rules, I guess you CAN have it both ways...

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