Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Define the terms and control the conversation

One thing that the progressive movement has done well is to learn how to get the "rules" to favor their side.  They have done an exceptional job at creating definitions that favor their point of view and agenda.  By defining the terms, and co-opting the media, they clearly have a controlling voice in current society.

I think my first introduction to that was in one of my - shall I call it a "Social conscience"class - in my first or second year of college.  We got into a discussion over "choice" and it's impact.  I took offense that they chose such a benign sounding word for such a horrible act.  (Yes, I am pro life!). As I recall, I was the only one who spoke up about it, too.  I explained I supported "choice" as a Democratic concept, but not how they defined it.  I was not the star of the class that day.

Ok.  I get it, now.  New definition to an existing word. The term was effectively hijacked, and used to support a political agenda.

As that concept became more common place, and acceptable, new definitions crept into the vernacular.  Another example is the new use of pride.  It is a basic human desire to be proud of who one is or of what you have done, but that term has also been taken over to the extent that it no longer carries the meaning it once did for society.  It "means" now that it encompasses everything the LGBT wants it to.  Please understand I am not saying anything against them here-I am only using them as an example of driving the conversation by taking over a term.

This is not isolated to such groups or concepts.  A while back I read of a resolution, voted on and passed by a majority, that included the word "unanimous" in the title. ( I understannd this is not an uncommon ploy. )  The casual reader would read that as supported by each one rather than a majority.  So, again, define the term and control the conversation.

How about the term "affordable?"  Yes, currently made famous in Home Affordable refinance program (HARP) and Affordable Care Act.  Clue here.  When you have to put that in the title, you know it's gonna cost you!  Each of these government programs carries a heavy tax burden, and it would be a real stretch to "afford" either of these.

So, what is the point?  I guess we need to be discriminating readers - and voters - when we come up against terms like these.  We must realize how they can be manipulated to easily muddy the waters so you don't see the bottom - you only see what "they" want you to see.

Consume carefully.  Vote your conscience.  Know where you stand, and use your Super powers (your heart and your brain...) to make sense of what you hear.  Act accordingly!

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