Thursday, August 10, 2006

Not a typical post for me

I do a lot of "surfing" related to computer technology and applications for my work as a Middle School teacher. One of the sites I visited this morning posted the results of the "2006 Scrappy Awards," a scrapbooking competition sponsored by Adobe Photoshop.

I'm impressed by the intense emotion and creativity each of these evokes. Just thought I'd share.
Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A logical question...

It's rather hard for my 4 year old grandson (Jackson) to wrap his arms around the fact that I used to be in the military. Never having seen me in uniform, (I'm retired for more years than he's been alive) or never even seeing much to do with that type of thing, the "soldier" concept is rather vague. Furthermore, the concept of time is not yet fully developed. You will probably see what I mean.

Here's the way one conversation went. "Grandpa, were you a Soldier?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Did you carry a gun?"

Again, I replied "Yes, sometimes I did."

"Did you ever shoot any dinosaurs?"

What could I say?