Saturday, January 21, 2017

We Have No Bounds Anymore

What has our society come to? It seems that we simply accept, without question, that there are no societal bounds. Anyone can say or do just about whatever they want, excluding outright lawlessness,  apparently without consequences.

As an example, I cite a Periscope broadcast of the Inauguration prayer service for our new President.  I was interested, so I started watching a portion of it. If you are familiar with Periscope, it gives anyone a platform to live stream video, and then allows viewers to make comments. I guess I would have expected the people who were watching to be, like me, interested in the service rather than someone whose purpose was to ridicule or denigrate.

But that was not the case here. The whole intent of many of the viewers, apparently, was to make their opinion on the matter overshadow the event itself. Many of the comments were downright abusive and hateful, both toward the President and also religion in general. I would estimate that I saw four or more abusive comments for each neutral or complimentary one. It must make people somehow feel important or powerful to spout off in such a manner. (Yes, I realize I could have turned the comments off!)

I guess that the old adage of “if you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all” no longer applies.  I guess it has changed to “I have an opinion on the matter, you are entitled to hear it,  and I will shout it out until you get so tired of me that you let me have the last word!”

Lord help us!


Unknown said...

Only the Lord can help us with this situation -- I, too, share your frustration, shock and sadness that so many friends AND family members are lost in delusion and worship of self over God.

Jim Sperling said...

I agree , Alan. Well said!