Tuesday, June 03, 2014

(Lack of) Accountability for the Judicial Branch

I wonder sometimes where we are headed - as a country, I mean.  From the perspective of a country-boy growing up in the 1950's until today, I see such changes that literally boggles my mind.

Times back then were relatively simple.  Everyone knew generally what to expect from each other, and from those who were put into power to make decisions for us.  Citizens were given arguments - sometimes very heated ones - and then the vote decided whose argument held the most weight. Once decided, our elected and appointed officials would pretty much toe the line to fulfill those decisions.  Any Constitutional issues were most likely detailed up front for consideration BEFORE the vote.

Back then, the citizen's vote really meant something.

Two of the three branches of our government are subject to election by the voters.  Every two, four, or six years, voters are asked to "tell" their elected officials how they are doing, and either vote them back in or replace them.  Whether you agree or disagree with who is ultimately elected, you have a voice in every election.  There is some accountability, at least once in awhile.  If someone REALLY messes up, accountability can be more swift, but instances like that are rare.  That two thirds of the government will ebb and flow, but still are relatively responsive to the citizenry.

The Judiciary branch of government, however, appears to have NO accountability to it's citizens.  What's up with that?   They become an extension of the other two branches, which makes them isolated from the people they are meant to serve.  Whoever wields the most power at a given time can put in place like-minded people in the courts - and they stay there.  The problem is, though, they don't listen to the people.  They do whatever they want, and answer to NO ONE. 

We are constantly hearing stuff like 

     “Oh, so most of you think marriage is only a man and a woman - Sorry - not going to happen.”  and “What - you want gender specific bathrooms?  Why would you possibly want that?”  

     “Ten Commandments? That might offend someone.” 

     “Constitution?  I don’t care how it’s written, I interpret it THIS way!”    

Then, once it’s been said (establishing a precedent,) it’s there to stay.  That precedence becomes the rule by which everything later will be measured.  It is much akin to introducing a pollutant into a water supply - it’s easy to get it in but it’s a devil to get back out!  

So, where’s the “hook?”  How do we pull the "stooge off the stage” when we don’t want to watch his / her performance any longer?  Term limits?  Periodic reconfirmation?  Make each one subject to Election?  That’s a tough one, alright.  

Whatever the method, we need to find a way to turn this situation around!  It’s only going to get worse.  Somehow, we need to make the Judiciary branch accountable to the people, as our founding fathers surely intended.    

I wonder what the courts would say about that????

1 comment:

Glynis said...

Amen! Preach it, Dad :)