Sunday, January 14, 2007

Filling the barrels

Our pastor today gave a very good sermon based on Jesus' first miracle. That, of course, is changing water into wine at a wedding celebration in Cana.

The point of the sermon was that we need to focus on where the action really is, as well as WHO takes the action. So many times, we feel defeated when WE can't make something happen ~ in the church, in our family, our work, our lives. We have a responsibility to do what God asks us to do, but then leave it to God to make the difference.

The barrels were empty. All Jesus asked the servants to do was fill them up with water and take them to the steward. When they did what Jesus asked, the miracle was fulfilled. He didn't ask for anything difficult, or something beyond their ability. Just obedience. If they had not filled the barrels, or hadn't taken them to the steward, things likely wouldn't have turned out the same.

We are like the empty barrels. All we need to do is be filled and presented as "ready," and let God make something of us. Nothing fancy; nothing difficult. Just be available.

I guess I can do that...

1 comment:

Glynis said...

Great comments, Dad...guess I need to go check out that sermon since I obviously missed a good one!