Sunday, April 17, 2011

What a day

Wow - What a day.

The day started out like any other day. I woke up and got my legs under me, scrounged around for some breakfast, and went to find my mother. She was already outside. The sky was lovely, with the sun just beginning to peek out. Only a light breeze blowing - a typical morning for this part of the world. Little did I know what would happen today.

I started to hear a commotion outside, so I went out to see what was going on. All of a sudden someone was leading me away from my home, my mother, everything I knew. All I had heard was a man say "The Lord has need of it." What in the world did that mean?

There was a crowd gathering, and I was almost afraid - I was only a couple of years old and had never seen anything like this from my little stable on a quiet street. Why was this crowd gathering? It certainly didn't have anything to do with me, did it?

Wait, why is this Man climbing on my back? That's never happened before, and I'm not sure exactly what to do. I don't even know who this Lord is, or what he's doing parading me up and down the street while He rides through the crowd. I guess I'll just make the best of it and walk as proudly as I can.

A King? People are shouting Hosanna to the King! They can only be referring to this Man riding on my back. And the people keep throwing branches - palm branches - on the ground as we go by. This Man on my back really must be someone special. And everyone seems to really love Him. They keep shouting and praising Him as the Chosen One.

And then, just as quickly as it started, He climbed down off my back and another man led me back home. Back to my stable, and back to the quiet street where I grew up.

What was that all about? I wonder if I'll ever see this Man again?

Wow - What a day.